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9:1  Am I not a son of freedom? Am I not an Apostle? Have I not seen Yeshua The Messiah Our Lord? Are you not my work in my Lord?
9:2  And if, on one hand, I have not been an Apostle to others, on the other hand I am to you, and you are the seal of my Apostleship.
9:3  And I give my answer to those who judge me; it is this:
9:4  Why is it illegal for us to eat and to drink?
9:5  And why is it illegal for us to travel with a sister-wife as other Apostles and as the brothers of our Lord and as Kaypha?
9:6  Or is it only BarNaba and I who have no authority not to labor?
9:7  Who fights in a war at his own expense, or who plants a vineyard and does not eat from its fruits, or who herds sheep and does not consume the milk of his flock?
9:8  I say these things as a man. Behold, The Written Law also says these things.
9:9  For it is written in The Law of Moses, “Do not muzzle the ox that treads.” Does God concern himself with oxen?
9:10  But it is understood that he said it for our sake and for our sake it was written, because it is incumbent upon the plower to plow for hope, and whoever threshes, for the hope of a crop.
9:11  If we have sown in you from The Spirit, is it a great thing if we shall reap of you from the body?
9:12  And if others have authority over you, is it not all the more fitting for us? But we have not used this authority, but we have endured all things, that we may not impede The Gospel of The Messiah in anything.
9:13  Do you not know that those who labor in the Temple are provided for from the Temple, and those who serve the altar share in the altar?
9:14  In this way also our Lord commands that those who preach his Gospel shall live from his Gospel.
9:15  But I have not been accustomed to any of these things, neither have I written this that thus it should be done to me, for it would be better for me to die than that someone would nullify my glory.
9:16  For also, I have no pride as I preach The Good News, for necessity is laid upon me, but woe to me, unless I shall preach The Good News!
9:17  For if I do this with my pleasure, I have a reward, but if without my pleasure, I am entrusted with a stewardship.
9:18  What therefore is my reward? When I evangelize, I may make The Gospel of The Messiah without expense and I do not use the authority that he gives to me in The Gospel.
9:19  For as I am free from all these things, I have subjected myself to every person that I may gain the many.
9:20  And I was with the Judeans as a Judean that I may gain the Judeans and I was with those who are under The Written Law like those who are under The Written Law that I might gain those who are under The Written Law.
9:21  And to those who do not have The Written Law, I was as without The Law, while I am not without law to God, but in the law of The Messiah, that I may win those who are without The Written Law.
9:22  I was with the weak as weak that I might gain the weak. I was everything to every person that I might give life to every person.
9:23  I have done this so that I might be a partaker of The Gospel.
9:24  Do you not know that those who run in the stadium all run, but there is one who takes the victory? Run in this way so that you may obtain.
9:25  But every man who does competition restrains his mind from everything, and these run to receive a destructible crown, but we, what is indestructible.
9:26  I run therefore in this way, not as if for something unknown, and so I contend, not as one who fights the air,
9:27  But I subdue my body and I enslave it, lest I who have preached to others would be disqualified myself.